They have been so good to me. They are an older couple that lives across the street and they take such good care of me. They bring me dinner at least once a week, they water my flowers, they give me relationship advice, they compliment my outfits some mornings, and they are just FUN.
They are in their late 60's and early 70's.
I will give them an Alias for todays story.
The Mrs will now be known as Jane, and the Mr will be known as Jack.
I am horrible at gardening and yard work. For one, I just dont know how to do it, for two, I have no tools at all but a cat pooper scooper which is not intended for yard work, three, I hate spiders and overall I just dont like it.
I dont mind mowing the lawn at all. In fact its kind of nice.
Jane is always telling me I need to plant...see I already forgot what kind of flower...but anyway she is always telling me to plant this flower in my front yard since I have a huge nice tree that shades most of the front yard.
One morning, I was walking out the front door for work when I noticed a laundry basket full of dug up flowers. Jack, just like most days must have seen me staring at these flowers and sticks his head out his door and says "Chels, Jane is going to plant you some flowers". How nice I thought!
I go to work and return a dreaded 8 hrs later to my front flower beds dressed in tons of flowers. I loved it!
I walked over their house and Jane answered the door. Our conversation:
Jane: Do you like it?
Chels: Are you kidding? I love it! It changes the look of my house so much! Jane, that must have cost a lot of money, how much do I owe you?
Jane: Nothing.
Chels: Nothing? I want to pay for the flowers.
Jane: I stoled um' from the park.
Chels: Hahahaha ....(Then I think to myself, uh oh, I think she is serious).
Jane walks through the park every morning and picks up trash. She decided the flowers in the park would look better in my front yard.
So, she got a laundry basket, dug them up, and started planting. Then she realized she didnt have enough so she came back, got her husbands truck and dug up more!!
Thanks....I think?!?!?
What do you do? What do you say?
I have to say, every day when I pull into my house I feel guilty.
I have blurred Janes face to protect the guilty.
She still is young and hip. She has grandchildren older then me!
A nice little row of "stoled" flowers.
Turns out Jane is not a no. She is a hero. Because just a week later that park was completely under water. It flooded. So really she saved their lives. And I am proud to say I was a part of that.
These would have looked nice in my back yard...
For any of my cousins or siblings that may look at my blog, 2 words for you:
900 E, crunch!
Turns out these flowers are maintenance free.
Jane installed them and sends Jack over to water them.
That is adorable! I love the whole thing to pieces. Thanks Jack and Jane! We should call KSL to give them a High 5!! :)
That cracks me up! That is too funny! So good seeing you last night, thanks for letting us all come over last minute!
That is awesome! I'm glad your neighbors are taking care of you :) The flowers look good! Sounds like they are fun people to have for neighbors!
OH my gosh, Chels, I am cracking up!! That is just the cutest, sweetest thing ever :):) Don't you just love awesome neighbors? I have a couple that sounds just like Jack & Jane across the street from I love'em!
You're yard looks great with it's 'stoled' flowers!
That is so sweet. Our neighbors just park in front of our driveway, and throw up in our yard when they are wasted. I'd much rather prefer stolen flowers. I love the snail hitching a, I hope that is all it is doing:)
Ew gross. Look at those snails!!
Yes, Utah weather is straight up b-a-n-a-n-a-s!
Chels... I love this post and I love Jack and Jane. What a great couple!
So. dang. funny.
ha ha I love it!! I didn't know Murray park flooded!! Crazy!
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