I have talked for years about running a half marathon.
Well, its finally going to happen. Registration filled out, money paid, no backing out.
I strongly dislike running. I love sports. I love soccer and continue to play to this day. But just running..its SO different. Soccer involves an intense sprint, then jog, then run...Running is just, running at the same speed.
Everyone talks about how running is so therapeutic for them and such a stress reliever. It sucks to me, and is no fun at all.
I can play soccer games back to back and feel great. I can make it to mile one on a treadmill and be done. How do you get past that? Any pointers anyone?
Anyway, I am running it with my brother and sister and sister in law so I think it will be a really neat experience.
And what better place and time then Bear Lake at sunrise?!
I want so bad to love running. I really look forward to giving it a real try and seeing if I get to that point. Regardless, I think it will be such a great run along side the lake with my sibs! Wish us luck!
If anyone has any great running advice, I would gladly take it.
Christmas Concerts
3 days ago
I don't really have any advice, all I have to say is that once you start doing it, you will become addicted. At least I did. I crave running so so bad. I'm so jealous right now that you can even do it. Tyler and I are going to do a half out here after the baby and I can't wait... seriously, so so excited. I hope you grow to love it too so that one day when I'm back in Utah we can do a race together.
Chels, so fun!! I have ran serveral halfs, once you do one you will see why its so fun!! Its the best feeling ever to accomplish such a hard task!! I use Hal Higedons training programs, just google his name, the workouts are free and you never run over 5 miles in a week besides your "long run" good luck!!
Good luck! It's nice to put those kind of things under your belt. I ran a marathon ions ago and... haven't run (like that) ever since. A lot of people think that running for an hour, at a steady pace, is good for losing weight (not that you want to lose weight, but I think this is why running is so hot lately) but unless you are doing hills and intervals, it's not that great for weight loss. The only advice I can give is to not force it. I mean, certainly challenge yourself in your runs, but if after your run you still don't love it, THAT'S OKAY.
Oh, that and get running shoes from the SALT LAKE RUNNING COMPANY. This will help prevent shin splits and joint injury. Take my word on this point at least! Have fun! Good luck. Running with friends/family is always the best way to go.
Thats awesome Chels! You'll do awesome!
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