Monday, August 31, 2009

My summer book...

Well it only took me a whole summer to get through it but I can now cross this off the list as well.
I wanted to read a good book over the summer and I was referred The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by quite a few people.
So I hopped online and bought it. Because summer is so busy, it literally did take me the whole summer to read it but I enjoyed it.
Usually when anyone tells me about a movie or a book I always go into it with an open mind and no expectations, so that I can give it my own thoughts. But because this book came so highly recommended I will admit I went in with high hopes.
Also..nerd alert! I Love reading/learning about World War 2. And the book is based around that time.
Its about an author who is looking to write a book about World War 2. She gets in contact with a farmer from the Island of Guernsey and they start writing back and forth. He is apart of a literary society they formed during the war. So everyone in the society starts to write this Author so she can write a book about what they went through during the war, while the Germans had occupied their island.
There were a lot of characters to try and keep track of, and I didnt love the way the 2 authors wrote the book, but over all it was good! The whole book is written as letters, which was interesting and a nice change. It took me awhile to get into it, but once I did I enjoyed it. Cant say that I loved it, but I did like it. I wont say a lot more in case anyone is interested in reading it.
I bought the book, so if anyone would like to read it, you are more then welcome to borrow my copy!
Also, this is not a very good review of this book, so dont take my word for it. (Reading Rainbow right there :) )


Emily said...

I am reading this book righ now. I accidentally bought it thinking this was my book club book for August - needless to say it was not the right book. It is my favorite time period too - so I guess I lucked out. So far I like it, even though the 20 or 30 pages didn't grab me. It is getting better and better!

Kateka said...

I love reading about WW2 also! I read this (mormon) saga called "The Children of Promise" about a family that goes through it and all the tolls it takes on them, but it leads into seperate stories for each kid as they get older. One kid is a POW, another is a nurse in Pearle Harbor, some are waiting for soldiers. There are parts that are romantic (but no too much so, dangit ;), since its a mormon series... I really liked them when I read 'em and was completey engulged. I recommend them if you are into that time period. They are easy to read too, and I just checked them out from the library, so you don't have to pay anything. Let me know if you read 'em!

Emilie said...

OMG...I was just told about this book by someone else. so funny! I have definitely been reading a lot more then i'm used to since i moved to the beach. I am reading a series right now, but i'm putting this on my list of books to read next. I have a few lined up! I am at barnes and noble like every other day since I have so much time on my hands to read. haha!

AP said...

I tried to read this one, but I didn't ever finish it. I didn't love it. It was nice to read your review--I don't feel as bad for not liking it. Hope you are having a fun summer!