Thursday, February 11, 2010

Peace & Love

Happy early Valentines everyone!
I actually like Valentines. And the older I get, the more I like it. I have decided this year its not about just being with a significant other, its just about sharin' the love with everyone. Corny I know, but I mean it.
So with no further ado, Ecko and I would love to wish everyone a very Happy Valentines Day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, whether you have a special someone in your life or not, you are definitely loved.
Well, I cant believe it, but the time has come.
I fly out tomorrow morning for Thailand! 28 blissful hours of travel and I will arrive. I cant wait.
I wont be able to use my cell phone over there, so I am going to leave it at home. Can you imagine 17 days without a cell phone?! Its going to be great.
So while I am frolicking with the elephants on Valentines day, I will still be thinking of the people I love back home.

See ya/talk to you March 1st!


JoyLyn said...

oh my goodness! Have so much fun in Thailand! I can't wait to see all the pics. Happy Valentine's Day to you! :)

Ally said...

Have an incredible time! Can't wait to see your pictures when you get back. Be safe! XOXOXO

Kateka said...

I already miss you!!!

BE SAFE, have fun, and please post like 2,000 pics on the blog when you get home.

Janaca said...

Happy Valentines! I hope you have a fabulous time on your trip. It sounds like it's going to be amazing. Can't wait to hear about it and see pics when you get back!