I cant believe its almost been 2 weeks since we lost Gram.
The service was so great, and it was amazing having such great support from everyone.
THANK YOU, to everyone to for your kind text, cards, visits, comments..etc. Its so amazing how people rise to the occasion and supported our family.
Pretty much for the last month all I have blogged about is my Gram, but she and I were really close.
So, for my final post for my Gram I wanted to share some amazing photos of her my cousin rounded up, as well as some from the funeral.
Thanks again to everyone!
Reasons why I love Gram:
She was beautiful inside and out
She had the GREATEST sense of humor, always making us laugh
She was such a good sport. Always willing to try anything, or do anything.
Going out on the boat for a water fight
Sitting in a tent with my sisters kids at the age of 85
She was so athletic. A great tennis player and skier
She was so smart, and had a love for all cultures which she taught me.
Walking on the great wall of China..
I could go on an on about her.
But one of my favorite things about her was how caring she was. She took care of EVERYONE, and loved doing it. The last couple days she was here, we knew she wouldn't make it much longer. People flew in from all over the country to pay their respects to her.
Her nephew Tim flew in from Maryland
Tim & my brother Cody
Her other nephew flew in from California
Kent, playing with my niece & nephew at the hospice center
My grams great-nieces from California flew in for a couple days to say goodbye.
My cousin was in a very bad car accident years ago. It left her paralyzed. My grandma left everything behind, bought a trailer and moved to Arizona to take care of her and her baby. She flew in from AZ to be with Gram as well
A few more family members drove down from Idaho as well.
It was really touching watching all of these people drop absolutely everything to come to Utah and sit by her(and ours) side.
The funeral was great. Everyone did a wonderful job speaking and we had a lot of support.
My cousin Curtis flew in from Minnesota
All of Grams grand kids
3 of them came in from out of state.
My family
The next day we drove out to Roosevelt where she was buried. We were really lucky with the weather, because all reports said it would be the worst snow storm of the year.
After the graveside ceremony we all had a nice luncheon.
Last night we got together as a family and went through Grams things.
She had things from all over the world. She loved jewelry and collected little figure elephants.
We each got an elephant as well.
Each of the girls were lucky enough to pick out one of Grams rings. If there was a ring more then one of us wanted they would put our names in a hat. Luckily, we all wanted different rings and got the one we wanted! I am SO thrilled. It means so much to all of us, and I never plan on taking it off ;)
The girls with our rings
I love this picture of Cody
Thanks Gram.
One of my VERY favorite items I got of Grams, is something she had hanging by her bed as long as I can remember.
So...I am on a new mission!!!
She had this plate like thing hanging by her bed. It was a picture of her in an Asian country and I never really looked that close. Its a picture of her in Bangkok Thailand! I am going in less then 2 weeks. But wait, theres more! In her picture she is wearing a blue skirt,and with a little help from my sister we found that same blue skirt. So my new mission...find that location in Bangkok, wear grams skirt, and take the same picture.
Wish me luck!!
Its kind of a bad picture, but you get the idea.
Love you Grammy. Miss you so much. I look forward to the day I get to see you again. xoxo
Christmas Concerts
3 days ago